This Replica Dragon Medieval Shield .
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Battle Shield with Leather Straps
Hanging Shield
Battle Shield w/Straps
Hanging Shield SH503P-DG-BR-Dragon-per-Bend-Sinister
Battle Shield w/Straps
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Tudor Dragon SH503P-DG-HG-Tudor-Dragon
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Fantasy Dragon
The dragon does have its place
in Heraldry, usually found in the personal arms of the 17th and 18th
century middle German territory lords. It is said to represent “defense
of treasure”.
The Aragon dragon is the earliest found in personal coat of arms as far back
as the 13th century where the head of the dragon is seen on top of
the crowned helm on the personal coat of arms of Pero IV of Aragon, or Peter
the IV. He was known as ‘the Ceremonius’ and ‘the one of the
little dagger’, although how he earned those monikers is unknown. He
was the Count of Barcelona, King of Aragon, King of Sardinia and Corsica and
conquered part of Greece, becoming the Duke of Athens and Neopatria. He
deposed the king of Marjorca, become King himself among other accomplishments. His
life was spent in turmoil fighting to maintain control of these lands from rebellious
nobles and foreign wars so perhaps a dragon, in ‘defense of treasure’
was a very appropriate moniker for his personal coat of arms. Variations on
his coat of arms continued throughout the Aragonese dynasty into the 19th
century. The dragon crested crown continued to be featured on the Spanish Heir
Apparent personal coat of arms as well and appears in Valencia noble lines through
these same time periods.
In Luxembourg, the dragon also appears in heraldry. Jean II (1392-1441),
a French noble who gained notoriety as the man who sold Joan of Arc to the British
(for 10,000 livres), also had the symbol of the Dragon crested crown.
Perhaps the most glorious representation comes from a Knight of the Golden Fleece
named Jacob, Lord of Fiennes (after 1444-1488). Again the imagery of the dragon
rising from the power of the crown is used in a magnificent painting of the
personal coat of arms.
With the similarities between the earlier Pero the IV of Aragon and with the
knowledge that familial lines based their personal coat of arms with familial
regard, it can be observed that this fierce and glorious creature rising from
the crown atop the helm was reserved for those who fought in the defense of
their family’s honor- and treasure.
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